The Grand Strategy Matrix

Together with the SWOT Analysis, SPACE Matrix, BCG Matrix, and IE Matrix, the Grand Strategy Matrix has grown in popularity as a tool for creating workable plans. The grand strategy matrix is a tool for developing alternative and distinct organizational plans. Each of the four strategy quadrants of the Grand Strategy Matrix can accommodate a... Continue Reading →

From Nightmare To Business Opportunity

One of the world's largest event businesses, MCI, led by CEO Sebastien Tondeur, faced a potential problem when the pandemic struck in March 2020. Everything was postponed. He didn't know when things would get back to normal, thousands of employees were on the payroll. Two years later, Sebastian not only succeeded in saving his firm... Continue Reading →

Where Successful Innovation Lives

It is insufficient to state that "innovation exists everywhere across our business" or that "innovating here is everyone's role." A distinct innovation unit must exist in addition to the commercial units. But for innovation to make an impact, the CEO must also embrace it (or with someone who reports directly to the board of directors.)... Continue Reading →

To expand or not to expand : The OLI Framework

The Eclectic paradigm, also known as the OLI framework, presupposes that institutions would forgo transactions in the open market if the cost of carrying out the identical tasks in-house or internally is less expensive. The academic John H. Dunning originally discussed it in 1979. By moving some value chain activities overseas, businesses are now growing... Continue Reading →

Unraveling Arbitrage

In foreign exchange investing, a strategy known as arbitrage allows traders to make a profit by buying and selling the same security, commodity, or currency simultaneously in two different markets. This move enables the trader to take advantage of different prices for the same asset in two different regions where he is on either side... Continue Reading →

Digital Era: The Age of Transformation

The goal of a digital business strategy is to use technological advancements to enhance how businesses provide value to their clients. Understanding digital business strategy and concepts is necessary for greater growth and success as small firms restructure to meet the demands of the digital age. In today’s digital era, it feels as though everyone... Continue Reading →

Pool or Attain

Alliances and acquisitions are complementary strategies, meaning that choosing one usually precludes choosing the other. Businesses would make better deals if they truly took that into consideration when making decisions. Your company's strategy is built around a conundrum that is encased in a problem and a challenge. Companies have come to rely on mergers and... Continue Reading →

The Unwinding Strategist : Ford Untold

The Ford Model T revolutionized transportation and fostered several others. What made it so successful and what can we learn from it? Note: Innovative technology can only go so far. Henry Ford didn’t invent the car. He wasn't the first to sell cars. In his 1908, when the Model T was introduced, Karl Benz had... Continue Reading →

Great Strategists are like Scientists

In a recent study, it has been shown that the strategy process in an organization is more scientific than before. With ever-evolving trends and the massive digitization of economies, strategists test a theory of success and use the evidence to develop a better strategy. It is essential to understand what makes a successful business vision... Continue Reading →

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