Reservation in Private Sector: A Trend to be followed?

2nd March 2021, the date when the honorable Governor of State of Haryana approved the Haryana State Employment of Local Candidates Bill, 2020. The Bill was originally passed in Haryana State Assembly in November 2020 with the ambition of making way for more employment opportunities for locals in the private sector.

What is The Bill?

According to the Haryana State Employment of Local Candidates Bill, 2020 the private companies in the state of Haryana have to reserve 75% of the jobs that offer a salary of INR 50,000 or less for the local people of the State.

Who all come under the new Bill?

As per the State Government, all the companies, societies, trust, limited liability partnership firms, partnership firms and any individual employing ten or more people and an entity, as may be notified by the government from period to period shall come under the umbrella of this Act. The definition of “employer” given in the Bill means a Company registered under the Companies Act, 2013 (Central Act 18 of 2013) or a Society registered under the Haryana Registration and Regulation of Societies Act, 2012 or a Limited Liability Partnership Firm as defined under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 (Central Act 6 of 2009) or a Trust defined under the Indian Trust Act, 1882 or a Partnership Firm as defined under Indian Partnership Act, 1932 or any person employing 10 or more persons on salary, wages or other remuneration for manufacturing or providing any service or such entity, as may be notified by the government from time to time. It shall not include the central government or state government or any organization owned by the central or state government.

To be a beneficiary for this new Reservation system the local Candidate mentioned is any candidate who was either born in the State of Haryana or has been living there for more than 15 years. Also, to reap the benefits of the bill, the person will have to register himself/herself on a designated portal provided by the government. To make things Transparent, employers too will only hire these candidates from this Portal Only.

The Government Angle

With the introduction of the new Bill, the State Government is fulfilling its promises made in the election campaign last year. The Bill has been accepted with open arms among the domiciles. In perspective with the Government Angle, the Bill gives the following Strategic advantages to the Government.

  • Raising Local Employment: The state Governments have been a constant target for many years and are accounted responsible for the rise in Unemployment. With this move, State Government can ensure that it maximizes the benefits of its Local Residents who brought them into Power. This also ensures the Tax money of the locals is given back to them through jobs in Corporate Infrastructure.
  • Unified Employment Portal: With a common portal for Employers and Employees, the government can better track all the employment-related activities in the state. This will not only keep a check on the unemployment rate but also keep the companies regulated and in constant check.
  • State Population Check: With this initiative, the Government hopes to ensure its local population in check. The development of Corporate Parks often involves an influx of mass population in the area disturbing the ratio of the particular state. Often the majority of migrating population are people with Blue Collar Jobs. With this Bill, a check on the influx of other state people can be kept in a check.
  • Keeping the needs of Corporates in Check: The development and GDP of any State depends on the Corporate presence in the said state. With the new Bill, the state government proposes to support the corporates by involving in the training program for unskilled candidates. By keeping a limit of the reservation on jobs offering a salary up to INR 50,000 the government ensures that the Corporates don’t have to compromise on senior levels of jobs and are mostly affecting the Blue-Collar Jobs only.

The Corporate Angle

The general feedback from Corporates has not been positive until now in reaction to the New Bill. The same can be concluded from the action taken by Corporates of Challenging the Bill in front of the Supreme Court. The Corporates are even determined to move the motion to Honourable President of India in case of no retraction of the Bill. But why are Corporates against the Bill? Let’s look at some points here:

  • Reduced Flexibility and Efficiency: With the Introduction of the New Bill, Corporates are bound to hire only through the government Unified Portal making there are of exploring good candidates much smaller. This will also result in longer hiring processes and more formalities resulting in overall reduced efficiency of the firm.
  • Contractual Jobs: Many of the firms in the industry are following the trend of Contractual Jobs lately which involves hiring people for a contract of a fixed amount of time in the Company. This will result in a double hit for the firms, as they couldn’t rehire the people already present in the company next year due to the 75% reservation criteria resulting in loss of jobs. Also, each year the company will have to rehire a good candidate through a tedious process resulting in reduced productivity of the firm.
  • Finding the right Talent: HR systems of Industries are currently at their peak. Companies are focussing on talents that align with their goals and result in an increased synergy for the firm. With the introduction of Work from Home Mechanisms, companies had just begun to reach even the remote areas of the country in search of the Right Talent. With this Bill, Companies are now again limited in their search area and restricted to local Talent only.
  • Cap of INR 50,000: Indian Industry is yet in a development stage. With companies offering Packages of as low as INR 20,000 per month to Engineers, the cap of INR 50,000 covers a wide range of competent jobs. In these jobs, hiring the right talent is the key for a company, and with this Bill, the restriction on Talent could hurt the Company in a long run.


The Haryana State Employment of Local Candidates Bill, 2020 has begun a movement in the nation with other states also willing to implement the Strategy in their respective states. A recent example being the Jharkhand State Government. The residents are happy with the Government fulfilling its promises and witnessing a step that could reduce the State Unemployment Numbers while the Corporates are focused on keeping up with their quality and competency using their recruitment methods. Whether the corporates can win the Big Legal Battle against the States will be a deciding factor on how the Job Market takes shape in the future.



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